art by: Ron Jasin
Hey everyone, I just participated in the exhibition Gig Posters: The Art of Contemporary Music Promotion at the Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft (Louisville, KY) from March 6 to May 16 (I know, I know its already over). Anyway, this is my first exhibition outside Mexico since I finished college, and it was SO great to be able to be in the same gallery with big names in this business. There might be some posters left for sale (I’m not sure), but check out in the museum web store.
Also it seems that I'll be having another exhibition in Los Angeles, CA this summer. It will be a music related thing, as soon as I know more details I let you know.
Also it seems that I'll be having another exhibition in Los Angeles, CA this summer. It will be a music related thing, as soon as I know more details I let you know.
Hola a todos, acabo de participar en la exposición Gig Posters: The Art of Contemporary Music Promotion en el Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft (Louisville, KY) del 6 de Marzo al 16 de Mayo (ya se, ya se que ya es muy tarde). Esta es mi primera exposición fuera de México desde que termine la universidad, y fue increíble poder haber estado en la misma galería junto a grandes nombres en este negocio. Aun debe de haber algunos posters en venta (no estoy seguro), pero chequen en la tienda en línea. También parece ser que este verano participare en otra exposición en Los Angeles, CA. Sera algo relacionado con la música pero daré mas detalles al respecto cuando todo este confirmado.